Just Got Real by Jane Fallon

When happily divorced Joni is reluctantly talked into joining a dating app, she is surprised to quickly hit it off with Ant. Phone calls and texts soon evolve into a plan to meet up. Which is a problem, as Joni’s profile picture is of someone else. Joni daren’t confess her lie. Yet unable to stop… Continue reading Just Got Real by Jane Fallon

Worst. Idea. Ever. by Jane Fallon

Thanks to Gaby Young at Michael Joseph Books for the invitation to join the blog tour for the latest book by Jane Fallon, Worst. Idea. Ever, and for the gift of a proof copy to read and review. Synopsis: Best friends tell each other everything.Or do they? Georgia and Lydia are so close, they’re practically… Continue reading Worst. Idea. Ever. by Jane Fallon

Queen Bee by Jane Fallon

I’m pleased to share my review of the latest book by Jane Fallon today. Thank you to Penguin UK -Michael Joseph for a digital review copy via NetGalley, my thoughts are my own and not influenced by the gift. The book was published in the UK on 9th July 2020. Synopsis: Welcome to The Close… Continue reading Queen Bee by Jane Fallon