Goodbye Birdie Greenwing by Erika Waller

Great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave and impossible to forget …

Birdie Greenwing has been at a loose end ever since her beloved twin sister and husband passed away. Too proud and stubborn to admit she is lonely, Birdie’s world has shrunk. But then some new neighbours move in to the house next door. 

Jane has come to Brighton for a fresh start, away from her ferociously protective mother Min. While Jane finds it hard to stand up for herself, her daughter Frankie has no problem telling people what she does and doesn’t want. Ada Kowalski has come to England to follow her dreams, but her new life is harder than she expected.

When a series of incidents brings their lives crashing together, the three find that there is always more to a person than meets the eye …

Goodbye Birdie Greenwing celebrates relationships in all their quirky, complicated uniqueness. It is a story about the choices we make and how we justify them. About finding out who we are, not who other people think we should be.

My thoughts:

Thank you to Doubleday books for the opportunity to read a digital review copy of Goodbye Birdie Greenwing by Ericka Waller. I loved reading Dog Days by Ericka – if you haven’t read it yet, please add it to your reading list now! Today I’m sharing a mini review for Goodbye Birdie Greenwing.

This is a beautifully written book full of joy and grief, regrets and possibilities. I quickly became caught up in the lives of Birdie, Jane, Frankie, Min and Ada and felt lost when the book ended.

I’ve been trying to figure out who my favourite character is but each of them stood out in their own unique way. The book tackles many difficult issues in a compassionate way and reminds us that we really have no idea what is going on in the lives of the people we live near and/or meet every day.

I will be treating myself to a proper copy of this beautiful 5 star book. Dog Days was good but Goodbye Birdie Greenwing is my new favourite book by Ericka. And if you follow Ericka on Instagram, you won’t be surprised to discover that the book features a dog.

By Karen K is reading

An avid reader from the age of 4. Love escaping into a good novel after a busy day working with students. Mum. Adopter of dogs.


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