The Summer Swap by Sarah Morgan

It’s never too late to start over again … 

A summer escape

When Cecilia Lapthorne’s 75th birthday celebrations take an unexpected turn, she seeks solace away from the festivities and escapes to Dune Cottage – without telling her family where she’s going.

A new friendship

Lily Thomas, a struggling artist, has secretly been staying in the unoccupied cottage. When Cecilia discovers Lily during a late-night visit, an unexpected bond forms between the two women.

A chance to start over 

Then Cecilia’s grandson, Todd – and Lily’s unrequited crush – shows up, sending a shockwave through their unlikely friendship. Will it inspire Lily to find the courage to live the life she wants? Can Cecilia finally let go of the past to find a new future? Because as surely as the tide erases past footprints, this summer is offering both Cecilia and Lily the chance to swap old dreams for new …

My thoughts:

Thank you to HQ Stories for a beautiful copy of The Summer Swap by Sarah Morgan to read and review. I’ve read and enjoyed many of Sarah’s books and you can read my last review here :

A couple of weeks ago I woke up full of a summer cold, kindly shared by my husband. So I reached for my pretty pink copy of The Summer Swap by Sarah, that had arrived the day before and curled up on the sofa with a lemsip and a box of tissues.

The book didn’t cure the cold (if only!), but it did prove to be the perfect distraction. I loved spending time with Cecilia and Lily, two creative people from different generations who are looking to follow their own paths to happiness rather than the one others expect them to pick. The path to happiness has a few bumps along the way though…

A lovely uplifting read featuring family, friends, secrets, new beginnings and a gorgeous coastal location. Another enjoyable book from Sarah Morgan, published just in time for your summer holiday reading.

By Karen K is reading

An avid reader from the age of 4. Love escaping into a good novel after a busy day working with students. Mum. Adopter of dogs.

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