The Comfort of Ghosts by Jacqueline Winspear @allisonandbusby

London, 1945.

The capital is the backdrop for many struggling with demons unleashed by the recent World War. Maisie Dobbs is drawn into the story of a group of squatters, including an ill demobbed soldier, who have set up camp in the Belgravia mansion of her former in-laws Lord and Lady Julian Compton.

Her attempt to help brings to light a decades-old mystery that concerns her first husband, James Compton, who was killed while flying an experimental fighter aircraft. The deeply personal inquiry leads her to the second man, who is fighting the darkness of his own conscience following a secret mission.

It is an investigation that will challenge so much of what Maisie understands about her life and forces her to look at the past and the many mirrors that could have been reflecting something other than she had come to believe was truth.

My thoughts:

Thank you to Josie Rushin of Allison and Busby for the opportunity to join the blog tour for The Comfort of Ghosts by Jacqueline Winspear today. This is the final book in the Maisie Dobbs series.

I have to admit that I hadn’t heard about the Maisie Dobbs series before but I was drawn into the synopsis of this book. Although I hadn’t read any of the previous books, it was easy to follow the story and learn more about the past of Maisie Dobbs.

This book appears to be tying up all the stories from the previous books, reuniting families after the war and helping Maisie start planning her future with Mark and Anna.

I enjoyed the storytelling, which looked in part, at how winning the war didn’t return life to normal for many people. Could Maisie help friends and family fight their inner dragons?

Jacqueline’s book brought the post war era to life and I would love to see the books turned into a TV series. I’m now keen to go back to the start of the series and read the earlier books (all seventeen).

Happy to recommend for readers who enjoy historical fiction and murder mystery stories.

By Karen K is reading

An avid reader from the age of 4. Love escaping into a good novel after a busy day working with students. Mum. Adopter of dogs.

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